Wednesday, November 28, 2012

The Amazing Race to Stevie

The Amazing Race to Stevie

Amanda King
Katie Pierschalla
Paige Oehlhof

Upon arriving at class today, we were notified that Stevie Pointer was missing and that we needed to find him. We were provided seven clues as to where Stevie might be so we began our journey. Up the stairs we went because we didn't feel like taking the elevator to the 5th floor. Then the challenge of finding animal biochemistry began but then there it was, a random study cage with the letter H as our first clue.

5th Floor Study Cage

Up another flight we went to look for the SuDocs call numbers explanation poster and there it was on the end of a bookshelf with a lovely purple paw print next to it. This is where we found out that the first two letters of the call number for publications put out by the Smithsonian Institution were SI.

6th Floor US Publication Section
Down two floors and in the search of the call number range PN2287.C5**. This is where most of the class was very confused at how we were supposed to scan the books but then it hit us, you just look through them. This is where we came to the conclusion that our next hint was C, standing for Charlie Chaplin.

4th Floor Scanning Books
Down another floor to investigate the CD collection. This was called the Instructional Materials Center (IMC). This purple paw print told us to find a certain call number that was associated with a Rolling Stones CD, R was this clue.

                                                                     3rd Floor IMC

Down yet another floor to find the student newspaper named after Stevie, located in the Current Issues Newspaper section. Free the Bound Periodicals is what we had to say in order to gain the letter E.

                                                       2nd Floor Current Issues Section

 Our next task was to find the shark located by the entrance on the first floor. This clue told us to find the Pacific Golden Plover egg and our clue would be the letter of what state it was from. A is for Alaska.

1st Floor in the Natural History Museum
Our final adventure on the first floor was to ponder the name of the dog show that held the pointer as its logo. The answer, the Westminster Dog Show, and upon telling our answer to the woman at the reference desk, we gained the letter V, our last clue.

                                                           1st Floor Reference Desk

When faced with having to unscramble these random letters we referred back to all of our clues to find that archives consists of all eight letters. Then we had to walk up five flights of stairs because the elevators were full. This is where we discovered Stevie Pointer, therefore ending our journey.

                                                                  5th Floor Archives

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